Wednesday, July 2, 2014


He reads again.
The letter in his hands.
Every line of her farewell words
Without he realising, a warm drop of water rolls on his cheeks.
And drops just nicely on a word written on the piece of paper.
The ink fades
But the word remains...
"Why did you say such things to her?", Daniel asked Josh, felt a bit surprised by his actions.
Josh tried hard to search for the relevant answer but all that he could say is,
"I didn't know...."
"Now you know. So go get her."
Confused of what he should do, he perused Daniel's face. Not wanting to think about what should he say to her later on.
"It's now or never. Take it or leave it.", Daniel kept pressuring him.
Josh got up and went out from his apartment. Hot. A word that can describes his room perfectly. It's not a luxurious stay, 100 bucks per month, so he thought he should be grateful for that. He was jumping to the seventh sky when he saw that 'House To Rent' ad in a local newspaper. Until the moment he stepped into the place, the floor greeted him with an eerie sound and the ceiling is too generous to let some water go through her. "Perfect! Just perfect!". He did improve in cursing nowadays, thanks to the cheap apartment.
Daniel, not really his friend, but more like his brother. They've known each other since the day they were born. Well, not really, but literally their mothers shared the same labouring cubicle in the hospital. And later, Josh's family moved to Daniel's neighbourhood and at the age of 4, they were partners in children's crimes.
They shared the same apartment because they studied at the same university. Working as a freelance band, they would perform every night at clubs or cafes to earn a living. Typical rock bands with cute bandmates, and they aren't an exception. Josh with his stage name, The Josh. Known for his beautiful voice and cute figure that even Angelina Jolie would die to spend a night with him. Dragon, Daniel's nickname, given because of his black guitar that has a golden glow-in-the-dark dragon pattern. And to be honest, his hair is similar to Hiccup, the animated character in the sequel How To Train Your Dragon, although he never know the movie exists at all.
These brothers couldn't be separated, until one day a girl came into their life.
"I'm sorry, Sofia. I know I shouldn't say that.", Josh begged.
"It's not your fault. Don't worry, okay?", Sofia replied nonchalantly and heartlessly. There's a tone of ignorance inside every word she uttered. It's not like she didn't like Josh at all, but she thought that his sorry isn't necessary because it's really not his fault.
This newly discovered disease, Influenza 99 has got nothing to do with him. Just because he said something harsh to her about getting the disease because she's too paranoid of getting it, didn't mean he was the one to be blamed. And Josh, getting annoyed of her attitude, teased her about it.
"Well, I think people who worry the most will always get bad luck." -Josh, 2 weeks earlier-
His words turned out to be a bitter truth. They went for a medical check-up and she was confirmed to have the virus inside her blood. It was a huge blow for both of them, especially her. But she refused to tell her parents nor friends, let alone the secret buried with her.
"Honey, please don't give up. We still have time. Let's pray that the doctors will discover the vaccine. Okay?", Josh hugged her tightly and she let her body relaxed in his embrace. She sniffed his Giorgio Armani perfume deeply as if it was his last embrace for her. It was always him she felt right. His looks, his fragrance, his words, his everything are just perfect for her taste. Always.
But she would have to leave him anyway. She didn't want him to feel a great amount of pain. She couldn't stand the fact that the man she loved so dearly would have to cry because of her. No. Not Josh. He has to find someone else. We have to go separate ways now.
"Did you remember my favourite song?"
"Yup. Grenade by Bruno Mars. Why?"
"Will you catch a grenade for me?"
"Heck no! I love my life."
"Hahaha you're mean."
-Josh & Sofia, 3 months earlier-
"Hello. Excuse me. Is this Mr. Josh Hutchenson?"
"Yes. Josh is speaking."
"I'm from Princeton Hospital. We would like to confirm the date for your operation. It's on Monday, March 31st right?"
"Yes, it is on that day."
"Okay. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Hutchenson. Oh and by the way, do you want us to inform the girl you swapped your blood with that it's a mistake?"
"No. She better not know it."
"Okay. Have a nice day, sir."
He hung up. And he was on the verge of crying.

It has been 4 months now
She left him for good
Only with a letter of goodbye
Knowing nothing
That he has catch a grenade for her...

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