Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Should I Tell Him?

Have you ever wish to do time travelling?
If yes, why?
Do you wish to see your country before our independence day?
Or do you wish to see the world, how good is the olden days?
Maybe you want to watch how was vehicles back then in 17th centuries?
do you want to see someone who will mean the world to you in the future?
It all lies within our heart
Our wanting to do something beyond human science
As for me,
I want to go time travelling
and my desire to travel to the future
isn't as much as my heart to play back times
to tell him something I should tell earlier
when he's still here....
March 14, 1999
I have a new friend today. His name is Darren. He's in my class. I think he's a little cute. But he's too shy to play with us. He only talks to me.
Should I tell him?
April 20, 1999
He asked me to come over to his house. I'm very happy. He has a big house. And he has many toys. We played Scrabble today.
Should I tell him?
June 16, 1999
The other boys picked on Darren. He's a small guy. So I think maybe that's why they can beat him. I went to him and help him out. Poor Darren. I hope I can protect you.
Should I tell him?
May 10, 2000
Darren and I are still in the same class. We're 5 now. But Darren is still short. Hahaha. 
Should I tell him?
July 6. 2001
Our drawing class today is great. Mrs. Wallace asked us to draw our partner. I made a team with Felicia. But then I saw Darren. He doesn't have much friends. No one wants to be partner with him. I took him to be my partner. Felicia got angry. But I can't let Darren alone. He drew beautifully. He truly has a knack in drawing. But I looked away everytime I met his eyes. It's distracting to look at his eyes when he's focusing. And he caught me staring today.
Should I tell him?
January 12, 2004
Today is my 9th birthday. My mom held a birthday party at our house. I asked Darren thousand times to come because lately he always forget things and he's tardy. The party almost over and I'm not happy at all. But then he came. I'm very happy but not without getting mad at him first. He gave me a book I favoured the most in bookshop. Yeay! Thanks Darren.
Should I tell him?  
May 25, 2004
Darren turns 9 today. But his parents don't make a party for him because they're busy. I accompanied him to our favourite ice cream shop. He seemed a bit sad but he ate a lot! What a weirdo.
Should I tell him?
February 5, 2010
It's been a while since I last met Darren. He is always with his new friend, Jessica. Blergh!
Should I tell him?
May 25, 2010
Darren's parents made a birthday party for him this year. I wanted to give him the best book I used to read because he loves reading too. Not really but he'll read if I asked him to. I went there and he just greeted me "Hi, Katie. Glad you made it. Thanks for the present." and he went on with his 'pretty' friend. What a moron!
Should I tell him?
November 11, 2010
He went to my house today and we had a little chat. I can't believe it! He told stories about Jessica all the time! What! You think I care with you guys! Get a life.
But I think I shouldn't shout at him just now.
Should I tell him?
January 12, 2011
"Happy Birthday, Katie! Let's hang out together sometime."
Yeah right. Like you still have time for me at all. Go screw yourself with that hoe.
I hate you! But should I tell him now?
February 18, 2011
Got a phone call from him. Jessica dumped him. Serves you right, Darren. Hahaha.
But, why suddenly I become this happy? Should I tell him?
April 2, 2011
He asked me to meet him at Starbucks today. Gosh he's a mess! His hair is a disaster. My handsome friend, I can't recognise him anymore. And he keeps telling about that girl. Damn! Gather yourself, Darren! Tomorrow I'm gonna make sure he has his hair cut and go shopping some new clothes. He needs some time to enjoy I suppose. I will make you smile again. I promise.
But, should I tell him?
April 3, 2011
He looks cheerful and happy again today. God, how I miss that smile. His hair is neatly trimmed and we got some new shirts and jeans for him. And went for a little ice skating for a while. This is my first time and I was a bit scared. Darren played a lot and he's like a pro. Sliding and swinging gracefully in front of me. He took my hands and I tried to walk a little. Numerous times I got myself about to fall down. But he's always there to catch me. Always. His smiles never leave his handsome face. Did I blush? Oh God! 
Should I tell him?  
June 5, 2013
It is our prom night next week. And I've no one to go with. And I asked Darren whether he got his partner and he said no. Well, I used to promise with him to go to this prom night with him as bestfriends if we can't get partner. I never thought I'm still single in my final year of high school!
Am I waiting for someone?
Should I tell him?
Oakleyville , June 11- A tragic accident occur at 11PM in Route 39 involving a truck and a red sedan. The truck driver believed to be drunk and without proper control of his mind, the truck whacked over a sedan by the roadside owned by two newly graduated students after attending their prom night together last night. Both of them were seriously injured and taken to the hospital nearby but the boy, Darren James died on the way there due to severe blood loss. Katie Watt is now under treatment. The truck driver is being interrogated for further investigation.    

"Katie, wake up. Can you hear me?", a warm kiss landed on my cheeks.
I woke up to a bright light above. Is this heaven? I asked myself. And I looked to the person who gave me a kiss on my cheeks just now. He looks familiar. His smile, his hair and his scent. Everything seems familiar.
 He smiled his usual smile, nodded as he was thanking me, and faded away.
I should tell him. I should tell him earlier.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuuu how romantic! Nice one!