Saturday, July 5, 2014

My New Friend

Have you ever meet someone who you think suits you best?
A friend you feel very close to.
A partner you feel incomplete without him.
A teacher you are inspired with.
Or a stranger whom you met online.
This is my story. Based on real life experience. Something I don't think quite necessary to put into my happy memories. Something I should've forgotten a long time ago.
But I can't.
Because he doesn't want me to...
You are online.
Mike : Hi, there.
Me : Err..hi. Excuse me but do we know each other?
Mike : No. But I think you're cool.
Me : Hahaha go home you're drunk. Sure dude. Who are you?
Mike : Name's Mike. 16. Living in Kansas. A Kansas High School student.
Me : Dude! We are in the same school! Kevin. Kevin Wellington. Class 7B. What class are you in?
Mike : That's cool, man! 7D. I'm not a learning nerd. Used to hate school very much. Hahahah.
Me : Crap. Who loves school? I mean, getting into class, learning boring subjects, get homework, com'on! We only live once. Why waste many times for that lame stuff.
Mike : You're my man, bro. My man. If you go for school president's post, I'll vote for you like hundred times a day. But yeah, indeed. We only live once....
Me : Chill up, man. We still have time to enjoy. How 'bout we hang up tomorrow after class?
Mike : I want to. But I can't attend school tomorrow. Something's up.
Me : That's okay. We always have time to hang up. Gtg bro. Xbox is calling. Hahah.
Mike : Sure....
Last seen 2:00 AM, 17/1/2012
You are online.
Mike : Long time no see, pal.
Me : Too busy with this History project. Sorry bro.
Mike : Have time now?
Me : Sorry but I really need to get going, Later, dude.
Mike : Sure....
Last seen 2:00 AM, 24/1/2012
You are online.
Mike : How is it going? I  mean, your History project.
Me : Just handed it off two days ago. Ahh shut up! I don't wanna talk about it.
Mike : Hahahah. You got C+.
Me : Are you kidding me?
Mike : Why should I?
Me : How did you know?
Mike : I am not what you think I am. Heheh.
Me : Hahaha go die. Hey, gotta go. If only mom know I use her laptop in the middle of the night, she'll be in total rage. See ya.
Mike : Sure...
Last seen 2:00 AM, 31/1/ 2012
You are online.
Mike : Dude, what's up?!
Me : You're right.
Mike : About what?
Me : My project.
Mike : Told you so.
Me : My mom will kill me. I'm a dead meat.
Mike : Nah, she won't. She'll hug you and bring you to a trip in London.
Me : London? In your dream. She won't even buy me a PS3.
Mike : Sure...
Last seen 2:00 AM, 6/2/2012
Mom : Kevin, would you tell me about your grade in History project?
Me : Hmm. (Mom will kill me!!!!)
Mom : Kevin?
Me : First of all, I would like to say that I've given my full effort for this project. I made the first draft two weeks before the deadline, and sent it just on time.
Mom : Yes, and then?
Me : Hmm it's just a C.
Mom : *hug* It's okay. I know you've given your best for it. That's why I want to give you a present.
Me : Present?
And she showed me a flight ticket to London.
You are online.
Me : Man, you're creepy. Who are you for real? A psychic? Wizard?
Mike : Hahahah. I'm just good in guessing things.
Me : Yeah right. And how good are you in this 'guessing things' thingy?
Mike : So so. Hahah why?
Me : You nailed my life twice. And they hit bull's eyes.
Mike : Told you so. Hahah.
Me : Say, I never see you in school before. I asked some friends of mine but they never heard your name before. Are you pulling my legs?
Mike : It's true. But you won't like it when you see me. You won't like the view.
Me : Rubbish! I've been meeting ugly brats and jocks and I'm not that inhumane enough to deter people away.
Mike : Sure...
Last seen 2:00 AM, 13/2/2012
You are online
Mike : You wanna meet me? See me at your locker after school tomorrow.
Last seen 2:00 AM, 20/2/2012
I waited for Mike at the promised place. In front of my locker? What a weird place to meet. The school was about to empty now but I didn't see anyone going to my way yet. Ten minutes passed, and I gave up. "Maybe he has something else to do." I thought. And I opened my locker to take my bag but there was something caught my attention. It was a book. A thick old book that I could know just  by looking at the yellowish papers and torn out cover. Roughly I thought it's maybe decades old. And I took it slowly. Full of curiosity and terror. How could I never see this book inside my locker before. Who put it and why would he put it. To creep me out. Heh, I don't think so.
And meticulously, I opened up the cover, revealing the first page.
Mike Morrison? As in Mike? Is this his job? And why is it 1979? This is insane. I'm gonna kick his ass for this trick. I'm dead serious.
I'm not a bad person.
Why did they always beat me up.
I just want to be left alone. With my gadgets.
But why did they disturb me and punch me on my face

I never interfere their business
But why they always tease and call me names
Why? Why is it always me?
Even at home, mom and dad quarrel a lot
Dad beats mom everyday
And I'll be his punching bag
At school, it's just the same
I don't have any friends
If and only if,
Someone would willing to be my friend,
I'd have been happier during my life.
That was written in the second page of the book. And that's all. No other writings inside the book, not until I realised I heard some scratching sound from the back of it. And it shocked me out when I saw a small portion of the last page was wet with fresh blood. What's more shocking was something that was written there....
You! You!
Kevin! Yes, you!
You are my friend now!
And I won't leave you alone!

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